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COVID-19 Support List for KY Artists

Amplifier Art

Amplifier is accepting applications for Global Open Call for Art in response to COVID-19. Amplifier will award $1,000 to 50 artists, with 5 winning works announced each week. Awards will start the first week of April. For eligibility requirements and to submit work, click here.


Artwork Archive

Artwork Archive has posted a list of emergency resources for artists to find financial support during COVID-19. Additionally, the Artwork Archive Newsletter is providing educational resources for artists and the artists community by featuring articles such as “Creative Prompts and Projects to do During Social Distancing” and “How to Experience Arts and Culture During Coronavirus.”
For the list of financial resources and/or to sign up for their newsletter, click here.


Freelance Artist Resource

Freelance Artist Resource is offering a list of support services for freelance artists and the artist community. The list includes resources on financial information, emergency funding, job postings, and free seminars. To access full list and seminar schedule, click here.


Kentucky Nonprofit Network

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) has posted a list of resources to help nonprofits and community members obtain support during COVID-19. Resources such as up-to-date information on KY & COVID-19, Non Profit policies and procedures assistance, and aid with virtual program planning are available and free to the public. For the list of resources, click here.


Southern Black Girls & Women’s Consortium COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund

Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium is accepting applications for their SBGWC COVID-10 rapid response grants. SBGWC will provide needs-based funding ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. Grants will be awarded weekly from Wednesday April 1 through Sunday, May 31. For eligibility requirements and to apply, click here.

Additional Resources


Americans For the Arts

Anonymous Was A Woman Emergency Relief Grant

Artist Relief Project

Carnegie Fund for Authors

Creative Capital 

Coping with COVID-19: Livestreaming For Artists

Entertainment Assistance Program

HART Fund (Handy Artists Relief Trust

How to file an unemployment insurance claim if you have lost a job or are sick due to COVID-19

Kentucky Arts Council Emergency List 

Loans Available for Non-Profits through CARE Act

How to file an unemployment insurance claim if you have lost a job or are sick due to COVID-19

Fund for the Arts: ArtsAndCultureINKY