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NEW! The 2024 Radical, Timely and Urgent Grant for experienced KFW grantees.  

The 2024 Radical, Timely, and Urgent Grant is a two-year grant.  


This grant asks artists and organizers to consider what feminist issues feel radical, timely, and urgent in their communities. What do we mean by radical? Think of art that 

  • involves risk-taking.  
  • incorporates or encourages a shift in power dynamics. 
  • challenges expectations. 
  • influences new directions. 
  • elicits a response or call to action. 


This grant asks artists and organizers to consider what feminist issues feel radical, timely, and urgent in their communities. We want to see compelling art projects that speak to the times we live in, challenge the status quo, highlight a pressing need, and connect to a broader community dialogue, especially in light of recent anti-affirmative action, anti-trans/LGBTQIA+ legislation, challenges to democracy, bodily autonomy and other pressing issues. 


Applicants must have received at least two KFW grants. They may request up to $10,000 in grant funds for the first year. Selected grantees will receive full funding.  Interested applicants who have not received two previous KFW grants still can apply for a radical, timely and urgent topic through KFW’s Art Meets Activism grant.



For more information, click here.


Applications available Monday, February 5. 

Applications due Monday, February 26, 2024 





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