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Strategic Planning

Dear KFW Community, 


Our 40th anniversary is fast approaching, and while we are excited about the important work we have done, this milestone is prompting us to reflect on the profound changes the world has undergone since our charter in 1985. Today, we are having conversations in all sectors of society that are critically important to feminist organizations. Some of these changes are due to COVID-19, racial/gender injustice at the forefront, regional natural disasters, evolving philosophical changes in philanthropy and how we do business. In response, we recognize the crucial importance of pausing, examining the past and planning for an even brighter future as a feminist organization in Kentucky. 


We are very excited to plan for our future and want to inform you of the steps we will take to do that. First, we want the KFW community to be included in the process. We will be inviting you to participate in a survey with the theme “What Do Feminist Artists Need Today?” Please stay tuned to our newsletters and social media for links to the survey. Second, we will suspend the Artist Enrichment grant making cycle this fall while our assessment is underway and will return to grantmaking in Spring 2024. Third, Artist Residencies at Loretto will continue. No decisions have been made regarding Hopscotch House. Finally, KFW’s staff and board will undergo an intensive strategic planning process led by national, regional, and local experts to update the ways we offer support to feminist artists working for social change.  


We have big ideas that we believe will best serve you, our KFW Community, but we can’t do it alone. We need to hear from you and will solicit your feedback and support as we hold steadfast to building capacity and maximizing equity in Kentucky and beyond, through artists’ voices.  


We remain committed to building on the power of art to increase awareness about feminist issues and create social change. Any plans going forward will hold true to our values of inclusivity, integrity, and stewardship. 


In solidarity, 


The KFW Staff and Board 


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