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Ashlee Phillips

2021 Art Meets Activism Grant | (Louisville): $3,607 to interview nine women from the West End of Louisville and create a space for them to tell their story through a film titled “9 Women West of 9th: Capacity Couched in Chaos.” Through traditional storytelling, Black women will voice what social, economic, and racial changes they need to see that will allow them to experience the freedom of self-expression.

Previous Grants

2020 Artist Enrichment Grant | (Louisville): $3,200 to highlight the cultural art of what it entails to be a Black woman in America. By strengthening her abilities as a cultural fashion stylist, she will shed light on “Alternative Black Girls” which will allow Black Women to be seen, appreciated, and recognized as the creative and innovative leaders of movements that they are and have always been.


AE, AE 2020, AMA, AMA 2021, Media, Media