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Fairen Kia

2023 Art Meets Activism Grant | (Louisville) $10,000 to host a fashion show with visual art, spoken word, performance art, using models, clothing and design artistry that is focused on body liberation as a way of fighting against fatphobia which is rooted in systemic racism. “Fat is Fashion” will celebrate fat and large-bodied people who are often underrepresented or misrepresented in society. This fashion show will give them a safe space to share in community with others like them.

Previous Grants

2021 Art Meets Activism Grant(Louisville): $4,500 to produce the “Love Thy Stretchmarks: Art Exhibit” which will follow Love Thy Body’s mission of creating, cultivating, and communicating hope through spoken word, photography, creative writing, public speaking, and more. The exhibition will allow participants and artists the opportunity to network, gain access to resources, and share their stories and art.

2020 Art Meets Activism Grant | (Louisville): $6,840 to create “Love Thy Stretch marks!” a poetic montage integrating interviews that confront intersectionality by portraying six fat, multi-generational women of color. This visual will explore diverse women living and thriving in society despite the harsh norms of traditional standards of beauty.


AMA, AMA 2020, AMA 2021, AMA 2023, Media, Media, Visual